Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Outfit Posts...Will They Last?

Lately I've been kind of tired of my whole "look." Maybe it's because I started following fashion blogs (A Beautiful Mess and Adored Austin are two of my all-time favorites) and am constantly seeing the beautiful outfits that these women create. Whatever the reason, I haven't felt as pretty or comfortable in my clothes, so I think that it's time to re-vamp my wardrobe. I've been a little befuddled on how to do this until it hit me- I'll do my own outfit posts so that I can step back and objectively somewhat objectively critique why some things work and others don't. We'll see how it goes.

3/21/11 outfit #1
3/21/11 outfit #1

Yes, these were taken with Photobooth. Tripods and timers are way too complicated for me.

Yesterday's outfit is a prime example of what's been irking me. It was comfortable and not particularly unflattering, but it was 100% boring and left me feeling uninspired. I was pretty happy with my hair, though, and will probably style it like this much more often. Over all a C-. Better luck tomorrow, old girl.

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