Friday, October 14, 2011

outfit: rainy daze

Corban and I recently spent a wonderfully lazy Sunday afternoon visiting with friends and sipping mimosas on a patio while listening to the rain. Perfection. It was a wonderful excuse to use the cute cartoony umbrella that my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas last year. :)


The tinkle of my charm bracelet matched the sweet patter of the rain. I haven't worn this bracelet in ages, but I thought it was time to break it out of the jewelry box. My father started it for me my freshman year of high school and added charms as he found them. There are charms for so many different lovely memories: chorus, piano, swim team, handbell choir, Oklahoma!, best friends, ski trips, and on and on. Looking at it makes me so happy. Maybe soon I will start a new bracelet for my adult adventures. :)

Here's to rainy days and happy memories!


  1. I love charm bracelets! I also have one from my younger years that my Granny gave me, but I've added onto it as I've grown up. Wine bottles, elephants and hearts with crosses all have a place on mine. :)

  2. That umbrella is perfect. I desperately need something like that for my long walks to the bus or train after work. Too many times I've been caught in the rain with my teeny tiny Totes umbrella. Pretty and light, but so not functional. These pics are cute!
